Wednesday, September 30, 2009

10 Weeks Old!

Camden is already 10 weeks old and is getting bigger and bigger everyday! He is giggling and cooing often! We love watching him explore his environment. He is starting to smile for the camera a little bit more. He can hold his head up really well when we hold him upright and when he is having tummy time! Camden is starting to sleep more at night, which is great for Mommy and Daddy! We are looking forward to the fall weather to do some fun stuff with him. He already has his Halloween costume ready so look for pictures towards the end of October! He had his 2 month old shots and Mommy looked at the wall and only cried a little bit!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Football Season!

The second football game of the WVU season was this past weekend. Camden loved tailgating with friends! He was all bundled up since it was a little rainy when we first got there. He is smiling more and more at people. It is so cute to see! He turned 8 weeks old on Sunday and has discovered his hands more and really LOVES laying in his crib and watching the mobile!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Special Weekend!

This weekend there were many "firsts" for Camden. He was able to meet his Uncle Tommy and Caitlin. We picked them up from the airport on Friday morning. We went to Morgantown for the WVU vs. Liberty football game. Camden tailgated and was able to meet many people we haven't seen since he was born. He went for a walk and was fed by Uncle Tommy! It's been a great visit!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

First of the Month!

I can't believe that it is September already. Mommy is back to work and Camden has gone to his babysitter's the past two days and has done fabulously! Mommy didn't do as well leaving him with someone other than family. But, it was easier the second day :) Camden got a visit from family on August 28th; Megan and Emily Quinlan came to visit with their Mommy and Daddy! Camden enjoyed being held by the girls. We went to Countdown to Kickoff in Morgantown to get ready fo the fall football season. Obviously, in the picture, it was getting close to feeding time! Camden's first day at the sitter's was a cold one so we bundled up the little guy and he was off! This weekend is very special --> Camden gets to meet Uncle Tommy! Tom and his girlfriend Caitlin are coming to visit. WVU's first football game is Saturday and we are all looking forward to a nice visit! There is a little video of Camden playing on his boppy pillow...few sounds, some cooing too!