Thursday, July 8, 2010

4th of July!

We had a great 4th of July weekend and were able to see friends that we hadn't seen a while. Camden got to meet his friend Parker that we had seen on Skype! We had cookouts, yummy food, and were surrounded by great company!

Friday, June 11, 2010


Summer is here and I am so excited to get Camden out and about doing more things now that he is getting older. In approximately one month, he will be 1 year old! I can't believe it! How fast the time has gone. Since my last entry in March, we have been very busy. Camden is on the very fast track for crawling and can stand in one place for about 5 seconds. Camden has a new babysitter that comes to our house and watches him. He is becoming more vocal everyday and when he notices that we see him doing something he shouldn't, he crawls away from us as fast as he can. We are really looking forward to our summer plans and can't wait for our summer vacation to Maine. I will try once again to keep this updated!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

SO LONG AGO........

Well it has been a long time since I have updated our blog site. Camden is getting bigger by the day and he is doing more and more! Camden has been eating more foods like pureed carrots, green beans, bananas and pears! He loves anything we give him. We have been having a huge amount of snow this winter but we are optimistic that it is going away! Most recently, Camden and I surprised my Mom and Dad with a visit! We had a great few days seeing them and his Uncle Tom. Camden watched his first SuperBowl with some friends. He is becoming more mobile in his walker and flying down the hall and taking the corners like a champ! We are looking forward to some warm weather to be able to be outside in the sunshine...Think warm thoughs, think warm thoughts!!

Saturday, January 2, 2010


Happy New Year! 2009 was a great year! We have been busy people the past few months. We sold our house and moved into a townhouse in Morgantown! We spent Thanksgiving in St. Albans which was really nice! Camden spent almost a week with his MaMaw and PaPaw! He saw his first snowfall too! Then we spend Christmas in New England! It was fabulous! Camden had a wonderful first Christmas, eating more wrapping paper than opening presents; but he loved it! He has become more vocal, eating more including some first fruits and vegetables. Camden now has 3 teeth. He went to his first WVU basketball game and really enjoyed it! We rang in 2010 with dinner with friends Dave, Courtney and their little girl Ava. 2010 has started off great with Camden rolling over, both ways!! We are looking forward to many new memories in the year to come!